Downloads & Publications


Application for the CSH-Storage System:

The CSH has its own storage system with 700 TB of storage. Members of the CSH have the possibility to request access to this storage system. For this purpose only the application has to be filled out.

Application form for the CSH-Storage-System

Please send the completed form by mail to the CSH Managing Director.


Administration- & User rules

VBO (As of: 09.01.2023)


CSH Flyer (Short Info)

CSH Flyer


Erfahrungsbericht zum Chatbot-Projekt "BusyBee" an der Universität Hohenheim



CSH-Forum 06.07.23: "To retire or not to retire: p-values and their alternatives in statistics"

Presentation slides

Media (Pictures, Videos etc.)

Spring School 2023

Picture 1

Picture 2



This software helps users verify and check citations in their PDF documents by automatically detecting APA-style references and matching them with corresponding in-text citations to ensure consistency. The software also cross-checks the existence of each reference using CrossRef data to detect potential inaccuracies, including hallucinations generated by large language models (LLMs).




PyblioNet is a software tool for the creation, visualization and analysis of bibliometric networks based on Pybliometrics, NetworkX and VisJs. It combines a Python-based data collection tool that accesses the Scopus database with a browser-based visualization and analysis tool. It allows users to create networks of publication data based on citations, co-citations, shared authors, bibliographic coupling, and shared keywords.